Address:37.948506, -122.570623 Parking: Free street parking available near the address above, but please be respectful of residents. Hours: Sunrise to sunset Type: Hike (5 miles/ 2 hours, moderate) Regulations: Dogs allowed on-leash Best time to visit: Winter, a few days after rain (Immediately following a hard rain some of the trails may not be passable)
Description: This is a magical hike, one of my favorite in Marin, and because it is not well-known, there isn't much trail traffic. This is a mostly shaded hike, and it stays cool in the canyon, so it's a great hike for a hot day. If you come during winter, you will be rewarded with multiple waterfalls throughout your hike. The canyon is full of vibrant flowers and ferns, and you will come across a few bridges as the trails wind down around streams. You can also easily reach Phoenix Lake from here, and avoid the crazy parking situation at the entrance to Phoenix Lake.
Trail directions: About half-way down Crown Road, you will see a break in the guardrails and a trail behind them. Park anywhere here, but please be respectful of the residents. You will begin on Harry Allen Trail with views of Phoenix Lake, and after a few minutes hiking downward, the trail will split in two. The right trail will take you to Phoenix Lake, but I prefer to end my hike with a relaxing easy walk around Phoenix Lake, so for now, take Tucker Trail to your left. Eventually you will come to another split, and take Bill Williams Trail down the stairs to your right. You will see some waterfalls and cross bridges, and once you reach the bottom of the canyon, it's a great spot to stop for a snack. You can turn back now or hike to the end of Bill Williams Trail and then head back. Once you are back to the bridges, head back up the stairs to Tucker Trail and then turn right onto Eldrige Grade. You will climb steeply uphill and after a rain, might be lucky enough to see 3 more waterfalls. After seeing the waterfalls, head back. (Eldrige Grade is a great, steep workout, which continues uphill for miles and ends at the summit of Mt. Tam. Dogs are not allowed in Mt. Tam). If you head back, there is an unmarked trail to your right that heads uphill and will take you back to where you parked. If you want to see Phoenix Lake, take Tucker trail back to the first split you encountered, right before the Harry Allen Trail and head left. Phoenix Lake is a short walk down, and you can walk along the water's edge, or sit on a bench by the water and take a break.