Address:189 Lagunitas Rd, Ross, CA Parking: Small parking lot available at the address above for $7/car. You can also park for free at Ross Common and walk 3/4 mile up hill to the lake. Free, easy parking is also available at an entrance above Phoenix Lake, with a short hike down to the lake.
Hours: 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset Type: Walk (easy, 3 miles round trip) Regulations:Dogs allowed on-leash Best time to visit: Anytime except a hot day
Description: Although you and your dog are not allowed in the lake, this is a popular scenic walk. The loop is mostly flat and has multiple benches where you and your dog can relax at the water's edge. The trails surrounding the lake are owned by the Marin Water District, and are also dog friendly, so there are ample options to make this into a longer or more strenuous hike. I recommend the hike below, should you wish to see the lake and also add on some fabulous trails: