Address: 38.868832, -120.062752 (see directions below) Parking: 2 parking lots at the address above. $7 fee at self pay station. Hours: Not posted Type: Hike (easy) Regulations: Dogs allowed on-leash, dogs allowed off-leash in lake if not crowded. Best time to visit: Mid-October was the perfect time to visit. Angora Resort operates Mid-May through Mid-September, and it gets very busy here during that time. We practically had the place to ourselves during our visit.
Description: This is a 1-mile round-trip hike to two beautiful lakes, one of which is framed by a rocky canyon. A sign at the second lake notes that dogs are allowed to swim off-leash if others aren’t around, and during our visit we had the lake to ourselves. From the parking lot we headed up a trail that snaked through the forest and opened up to a beautiful view of the lake. We hiked around this lake and up towards the resort. A sign pointed out that the trail continues to the right of the cabins. There’s a second, more picturesque lake here, perfect for swimming. There are also picnic tables near the shore where you can relax.
During our visit there was no running water. A trashcan and restroom are available at the parking lot closest to the trailhead. The restroom in the second parking lot is closed during off-season.
Driving directions: Reaching the trailhead is a little difficult and takes about 30 minutes from the highway. Take Highway 89 North for about 3 miles, turn left on Fallen Leaf Lake Road. This is a narrow road, so drive carefully in case you need to pull over for oncoming cars. The next sign you will see shows that Fallen Leaf Lake is to your right and Highway 89 is back the way you came. Go left (there is not a sign for this direction). You will then see a yellow gate to your right, and this is Forest Service Road 12N14. Take this right and head down the road. The beginning of the road is rough and we encountered a few potholes and large puddles. You will stay on this road for a while, eventually passing the Angora Lookout point on the ridge. This is a beautiful lookout point from a deck overlooking the lakes. It's worth a stop if not crowded. Continue to the end of this road and you will see a parking lot. You can continue up to a second parking lot closer to the trailhead. Only park in designated parking spots, as no parking is allowed along the road. Pay the fee at the self-pay station.