Address: 1701 Donald Drive, Moraga, CA OR 37.861470, -122.149442 Parking: Free parking at the addresses above Hours: 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset Type: Hike (moderate) Regulations: Dogs allowed off-leash on paved trail; on-leash on other trails Best time to visit: Anytime except a hot day, as there is little shade
Description: This is a 250-acre open space between Orinda and Moraga. The ridge has great views of the valley and Diablo Hills. There is an approximately 1 mile long paved trail running through the center of the preserve where dogs are allowed to run off-leash. Grazing cattle are present on one side of the preserve. There are no cattle on the water tower side, and it has an extensive trail system winding around the hillside. If you start at the first address, you can walk up the off-leash paved trail, explore the side trails, and then walk back downhill to where you parked This park has garbage cans and running water near the water tower. Restrooms are available at the nearby Hacienda de las Flores Park (when the main building is open).