Address: 48.04193 N, 123.58852 W Parking: Free parking lot at the address above. Hours: Not posted (Olympic National Park is open 24 hours a day) Type: Easy walk Dog Rules: Dogs allowed on-leash Best time to visit: After a recent rain
Description: This is a beautiful dog-friendly walk to a 50-foot waterfall. This is a great place to stop for a break and stretch your legs! A paved pathway takes you through a lush green forest and up to a 50 foot waterfall, surrounded by moss and dropping into a stream below. You can sit on a bench at the base of the falls and relax. The creek flows into the Elwha River, which is a beautiful sight on the other side of the parking lot. The entire walk is very short (about 0.3 miles), with little elevation gain. This waterfall is also known as Madison Creek Falls, but its official name is Madison Falls.
A pit toilet is available at the trailhead. No running water is available, so bring your own.